HELLO WORLD : Top 5 real link building techniques

Hello World,
So you want to get get high up on Google with your keywords and a big part of SEO is getting those valuable backlinks. If you are new to SEO, backlinks are those sites linking to your site. This basically tells Google and all other search engines that your site can be trusted a little bit more and that you have useful content. If all your content is just full of odd bits of rubbish then who would want to link to you?
This is where the first technique is crucial to getting good backlinks.
1) Content What ever types of business you are in your website has to explain and show exactly what you are all about. Content is what makes 80% of your site. The way you write has to implement your view to the public, you have to remember that to get visitors and equally to gain trust in potential clients means you have to get those clients attention and confidence. At the same time you have to bear in mind how the search engines work. So get that good balance.
2) User friendly So you get your visitors to your website but why would they want to stay? That all depends on the structure, design, information and easiness to get around it. People like to be entertained and learn something new, that's why getting your content right is a big step in the right direction. Does your site load quickly? If your site is full of videos or images that are huge and your website take over 5 secs to load, I personally get fed up and leave, the search engines do not like this neither. There are many ways to improve how your users will remember you and want to visit again.
3) Competitors links Many businesses fail because they do not do their research before hand. You have to have a strategy, a plan and a direction of where you are wanting to go. And that is what you do when you want those essential links. Use a backlink tool and enter the domain of your competitor, then see who they are linking to. 2 years ago the trend was to swap links with other websites, there's nothing wrong with it but it is time wasting and time is money. Go for one way links.
4) Article writing Still considered an important way to get visitors from both the search engines and humans is to post good articles on a blog, blogging is a way to provide information. Again going back to the importance of content, writing articles is the same practise. It is a good way to get links. Submit them to ezines and go articles etc.... And if your article is unique you will find people will start linking to it.
5) Forums You can still find great links in forums. The way to use forums is not to go signing up with every forum you find. Select 5 of your favourites to start with, dont go spamming them, get involved and offer advise etc.... Then bit by bit you will be a trusted visitor. Then once you have these, go find others. Remember the more links from unique domains is more valuable than a hundred from one.
Building up links is one of the best SEO techniques carried out as we speak today. This could change in time but certainly in the near future it is hear to stay. It is a long process and it will not happen over night, it takes allot of research, time and talent to get them. Take your time and study, get to know you business inside and out. Realize running a website is just not making it, you have to marketing it to both visitors and search engines. (by : Louise hartley)

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