This is default featured post 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured post 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured post 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured post 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured post 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

HELLO WORLD : Merapi Eruption live waiting times

Hello World,
The eruption of Mount Merapi, currently a matter of time. It was announced by Head of Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Center Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Surono."If you look at the changes that occurred since September until now, estimated to Mount Merapi has reached the point of no return. That is, not going back again to its original state," he said while socializing at the Village Hall Kepuharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman, Friday (22 / 10/2010).

HELLO WORLD : Woman Marries Herself and Buys Sperm to Have Kids

Hello World,
In a new national trend, women across America are marrying themselves. The Little White  Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas is reporting that women have been making arrangements to marry themselves in small ceremonies. 
Many other churches, synagogues and town halls across the country are also reporting that more and more women are showing up to…  marry themselves.

HELLO WORLD : t = v1 v2, How To Increase Traffic And Popularity With Fast and Natural

Hello World,
Please read carefully and then apply it right ....

Copy start here ---------------- ------------------
A philosophy that says "Honesty is the Best Policy (Honesty is the political / best strategy)", this is what we prove it .... If the concept of honesty if we can generate traffic and greater popularity of the concept of complex expert webmaster or SEO expert .. ? ...
I believe this concept can be provided at run correctly ..., if this be applied in accordance with the provisions of your web then:

* Your website visitor traffic will be flooded in an extraordinary day after day, without having to bother thinking about SEO or promotion to various places in the Internet world.
* Web you will be inundated backlink extraordinary day after day, without needing to bother hunting link control every aspect of world where the Internet.

If Albert Einstein used the equation E = mc ²  to combine the potential of time and the speed of light to produce nuclear energy was incredible, then we will use the equation t = v1+v2 to combine the potential of my web and your website to generate traffic and popularity is extraordinary too .

If Einstein used the atomic plutonium and uranium to make nuclear bombs, then we use the Fairness and Accuracy to make a bomb of this traffic and popularity.

All you have to do is follow these steps:

1. Create a post post articles like this mine, or copy-paste this post and also given the title: 
       t = v1 v2, How to increase traffic and popularity quickly and naturally.
2. Next Copy or create the phrase "SEO MAGIC TRICK" that is under the number 4 is then 
      put on your website on the most easily viewed by visitors, for example at the top of
      the sidebar:
3. Move or change a link or url address of my posts (here-1) replaces the url address of 
      my colleagues (here-2).
4. To know the url address of my posts and posts that you can make is by clicking on the
      title / title of this post that we make. Then fill in the url address of your posts on the here-1 earlier. So you do publish (publish) 2 times, after this post is finished you created and published, and then you click on the title (title) posts to retrieve / copy the url address of your posts from your browser address bar, then you edit again earlier posts and entries on the link here-1's. Here are the words "SENTENCE magical" you need to plug in your web part (after the change in its url link in accordance with the above) "Want to increase traffic to your web visitors and popularity quickly and unlimited ...? ...
5. Leave it to me ..., I'll do it for you for FREE ...! .. Click here 1 and here 2 "So after 
       the phrase" SEO MAGIC TRICK "is in put on your website then: if the user clicks a link here 
       would be to link posts you, and if you click here 2 will go to link my posts ... and so it 
       continues an unbroken chain like that ... Here are 2 links: links (the web link I am now) and   
      my link (web link colleague I am now). So instead of (address) "your link" with "your web url  
      links"     and "my links with my web url links" (links of my colleagues in the clear).
* Your Link
* Link me.
6. Completed, prepare a counter tracker and link checker such as Sitemeter and Technorati to
       see the results flood your web traffic and linkback.

What is t = v1 t2 ...?

t: The amount of traffic that will get your website in one day

v1: Number of visitors of your website in one day

v2: Number of visitors who have v1 (visitors of your web visitors) in one day.

For example, my web or your website within a day had an average of 50 people .. visitors, and we all apply this concept (MAGIC TRICK) correctly, and of the 50 people that each have 50 people of the visitors of his blog , then the web we will likely visit 50 plus 50 x 50 people on that day = 2550 people, and will likely continue to increase as well day after day, because every day there are always new visitors in the Internet world, every day there is also a blogger or a new web in the Internet world ...

For example, our website offers visitors 50 people in one day, and all are applying this concept, then in the web that day you will get 100 linkback to your website, a link to the phrase "MAGIC TRICK" and a link on my link in multiply 50 . and will likely continue to increase day by day ....

Why need to create a link on your link and my link to the post ...?

this is to maintain the immortality of our links, because as we know a link to the post less likely to be erased ....

Can we do would not be fair or not fair sabotage this concept, such as "remove all links of origin" then fill in the web / blogs we own ...? .... Yes, and this concept would not be maximal to prove Honesty is a strategy / best politics ... .. But I'm sure that we all do not want to drop yourself credibility by doing such a cheap ...

Done ------------- -------------

HELLO WORLD : Inilah Foto Pendeta Danny Allen dan Bob Old Membakar Alquran

Inilah Pendeta Danny Allen dan Pendeta Bob Old sedang membakar Alquran di rumah Old di Springfield, Amerika Serikat (AS).
Pendeta Bob Old dan Pendeta Danny Allen, membakar Alquran pada Sabtu (11/9/2010) di hadapan sekelompok orang yang sebagiannya merupakan wartawan.
Kedua pendeta itu menyiram dua buah Alquran dan sebuah teks Islam lainnya dengan cairan pembakar, lalu membakarnya.
Aksi dua pendeta itu dilakukan di pekarangan belakang kediaman Old di Springfield. Mereka mengatakan aksinya merupakan pesan dari Tuhan.

HELLO WORLD : Astronomer: It's the planet that really could be occupied

Astronomers from W.M. Keck Observatory, Hawaii, discovered a planet that could actually inhabited by humans. The planet, called Gliese 581g is located 20 light years from earth and around the star called Gliese 581.
Already some time astronomers find planets similar to Earth. "However, this is the first planet 'Glodilock'," said astronomer Paul Butler. "Glodilock" means not too hot and not too cold. Astronomers from the Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington DC It added that the distance of the planet to the sun is very fitting to have the water on the surface - a natural element essential to sustain human life.

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