HELLO WORLD : Essential Tips to Make Acers Laptop Last Longer

Hello World,
There are plenty of ways through which you can increase the life of your Acer laptops; most steps can be done by anyone easily. If you take efforts in taking care of your laptop from year one, you can come to know that your laptop will last longer for several years. The following steps can be done anytime to ensure Acer laptops perform to its optimum: Computer Security SoftwareAcer laptops should be provided with utmost security to make it function efficiently. It is very important to install antivirus, antispyware and firewall on your notebook. You should not only install these programs but make sure you update them regularly. You should also scan your system regularly. You can also install additional software such as CCleaner that will help you fix registry issues and remove unnecessary files from your notebook. Trend Micro's HiJackThis application can help in removing dangerous malware from the laptop. You should also uninstall those programs that you do not require but are still present on your system. You should browse safely on the internet by not clicking on pop-ups and advertisements, downloading attachments present inside emails and or sharing your sensitive information such as username and password to any unknown person on the net.
Protection from Storage Devices Storage devices such as memory cards, USB pen drives and external hard disk may contain virus or other malicious program that can get activated when you access them. In order to avoid this from happening, you should make sure that you do not connect your USB pen drives and other external drives on computers that have been infected by virus or spyware.
Free the Hard Disk Space
If you have been using your laptop for a long time, you might have a whole lot of data on it. You can make use of an external storage device to transfer all the files and folders to free up the space. When you free up the space on your hard disk, the operating system of your laptop uses it as virtual memory to make your computer process work efficiently. If you feel your laptop's performance is slowing down, you can increase the virtual memory. Defragmentation is the best way to make free space by allowing Windows to arrange the files on your hard disk properly in such a way that it does not use up more space.
Upgrade the RAM If your system is performing slowly even after you have tried various to fix it, you can try upgrading the RAM of your laptop. You can buy RAM from a local dealer and place it on the RAM slot by yourself after checking out the procedure to do it from the Acer laptops website.
Battery Life Always charge battery of the Acer laptops to the full and make use of A/C adapter whenever possible. If you are not going to use the laptop for a long time, you can remove the partially charged battery and store it. You can disconnect unneeded peripherals, use power settings to turn off the display automatically and reduce the brightness of the display screen. You should also disable wireless internet connection and Bluetooth connection if you are not using them. Acer laptops can also be programmed to enter into hibernate or stand-by mode whenever you close its lid.
The above mentioned steps will help you very well in making your {a href=" http://www.saveonlaptops.co.uk/"} cheap laptops last longer. Acer laptops go to http://www.saveonlaptops.co.uk/Products/cat/Laptops to see our range.

About the Author

Do you want to know how to make Acer laptops last longer? Read on to know essential tips.


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