All elements in the Balinese society were expected to meet an appeal of the United Nations’ (UN) Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC) for saving the earth from the danger of global warming, an environmentalist said.
"The appeal of an international organization consists of three important matters and has received positive responses from Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika," Spokesman of Bali Green Community Committee (BGC), Made Aripta Wibawa, said here Monday.
He said the organization had urged the world community to stop eating meat, ride bike in the daily transportation activities as well as become a frugal shopper.
According to the World Food Organizations (FAO) report, the meat was a commodity, which produced carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) equivalent to 18 percents so that the contribution exceeded 13 percent of CO2 emissions from all means of transportation in the world.
"If we are able to exercise diet, stop eating meat products and become vegetarians, the CO2 emissions can be reduced up to 1.5 tons a year," Wibawa said.
Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika’s support for the UN IPCC appeal was marked by declaring the World Vegan Organic Day and Friday as a Day Without Animal Products (Friday - Animal Product Free Day).
The declaration was addressed to the people of the world, Indonesia and Bali province in particular to save the earth from the danger of global warming. Wibawa said livestock sector could harm the earth due to the fact that modern agriculture, especially in developed countries, required large electricity power supplies from production process to meat storage.
In addition, lots of forests were vulnerable to land clearance to meet the needs of livestock locations. Similarly, the cattle dung contained nitrous oxide (N2O) 300 times more harmful than the carbon dioxide.
Furthermore, the meat protein production required water 26 times higher than vegetable protein। According to Wibawa, the vegetable protein production energy was much more efficient 50 times than the meat protein. Thus the vegan diet would be more friendly for environment. source by antara www.kompas.com
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