Hello World : Snow Fall in Summer

Hello World,Weather extremes and rare worst place in Australia on Monday (20/12). Sudden snow fall that should cover most of the continent is experiencing summer. December, sunny and hot snow and give the atmosphere of a white Christmas as in Europe.
The position of the sun was in the south of the Equator line. Australian continent should still experiencing summer. Similarly, the southernmost islands in the Indonesian region that is located adjacent to Australia, such as Timor, Sabu, Rote and Sumba.
However, summer in Australia this December has been ditingkahi by changes in extreme weather with snow and very heavy rain. Snow fell heavily on the east coast of the State of New South Wales and Victoria so many tourist resorts hot-should-precisely at the end of ditimbuni snow 10 centimeters (cm).
Many citizens are confused and half do not believe seeing snow fall in summer, a weather change suddenly. Snowfall in December is unusual natural events. "It's white, all white," said Michelle Lovius, General Manager of Hotel Kosciuszko Chalet at Charlotte Pass.
Lovius say, the first thing that happened on Monday morning was all quiet and peaceful after the snow fell heavily. Since early December, mountainous regions of New South Wales are experiencing the peak blooming wildflowers. "We hope it (cold weather) persisted for five days so we can celebrate a white Christmas," he said.
The term of a white Christmas (White Christmas) in the Christian tradition is only known in Europe or the countries of the North Pole, not in the south such as in Australia. In December, including on each day of Christmas, December 25th, snow fell heavily in Europe and North Pole. The snow in summer in Australia is a strange thing, a shift in weather extremes.
Farther to the south of the State of Victoria, conditions are too severe. Maureen Gearon, a spokesman for Victorian Snow Report, report, snow blanketed Mount Hotham and Mount Buller 10 cm closed more than 5 cm. "Everything is covered in snow, a beautiful end of the year. Residents wearing Santa Claus hats on their heads and took pictures in the snow, "said Gearon told Australian news agency AAP.

Drop in air temperature also occurred in Sydney, which is to be only 13 degrees Celsius, from previously above 23 degrees celsius. In the western town of even the temperature has dropped to just 9.8 degrees celsius. Containing water vapor wind blowing at speeds of 100 kilometers per hour swept the coastline.

Contrasting conditions also occur on the west coast. The worst floods in 50 years to isolate the city of Carnarvon, about 900 km north of Perth. Police helicopter had been deployed to rescue 19 people from the roof of a bar because of rising flood.

Weather experts were amazed watching the snow fall and cold weather, the drastic weather changes. "This incident was unusual, even if it is in New South Wales and Victoria is adjacent to the southern ocean," said Bureau of Meteorology Climatology Expert, Grant Beard.

Europe has not yet recovered Snowstorms and freezing air temperatures below zero are still sweeping Europe. Transport chaos happening all over the massive modes of transportation, both sea, air, or land, including rail-based transportation. This situation has led to the deaths of tens of people.

In Poland alone, as many as 29 people died. They killed freeze on the 19th and 20th December in the middle of cold temperatures, which even reached 20 degrees Celsius below zero, which occurred in several places.

In Austria, three people were killed freezes when trying to return to their homes at night. In Finland, at least four people were killed in a traffic accident during a snowstorm hit. Blizzards are also crippled transportation in almost every city in Europe. Train services and flights were halted. Similarly, as reported by the Daily Telegraph on Monday. (AP / AFP / REUTERS / CAL)


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