The eruption of Mount Merapi, currently a matter of time. It was announced by Head of Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation Center Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Surono."If you look at the changes that occurred since September until now, estimated to Mount Merapi has reached the point of no return. That is, not going back again to its original state," he said while socializing at the Village Hall Kepuharjo, Cangkringan, Sleman, Friday (22 / 10/2010).Does this condition Merapi volcano will soon erupt? Surono said, it depends from Mount Merapi. "If at any time or just erupted, only Mount Merapi alone knew," he said.
He said that with the increase of the alert status of Mount Merapi to the screen, handling the volcanic activity is directly taken over Volcanology Geological Disaster Mitigation Center (PVMBG). "In accordance with SOP since Mount Merapi upgraded from alert status becomes idle, the task of supervision of the mountain is now the responsibility of PVMBG," he explained.
He said the earthquakes that occurred at Merapi is currently larger than in 2006. "At this time the volcanic activity has increased by more than 500 percent," he said.
Surono explained, on October 20, 2010 or the day before the status of this mountain was raised to alert, there has been recorded 479 times multiphase earthquakes, volcanic earthquakes deep and shallow with a total of 39 events, and avalanches 29 times. "Other characteristics of the water content and gas Merapi has been greatly reduced. That is, the condition is already very hot. Our last Temperature record in the region Woro on October 20, reached 587 degrees Celsius," he said.
"We hope the eruption times is not very explosive, because if ekplosif would be too dangerous," he added.
Seeing the conditions on the ground that masyarakar around the slopes of Merapi was used to deal with possible disasters like this, it is not too worried. "The community is set up and in between they also have to undergo the exercises to deal with bad possibilities that happen," he said.
Text: Tri Wahono / CompassPhoto: Henry H. Prabowo / Compass
He said that with the increase of the alert status of Mount Merapi to the screen, handling the volcanic activity is directly taken over Volcanology Geological Disaster Mitigation Center (PVMBG). "In accordance with SOP since Mount Merapi upgraded from alert status becomes idle, the task of supervision of the mountain is now the responsibility of PVMBG," he explained.
He said the earthquakes that occurred at Merapi is currently larger than in 2006. "At this time the volcanic activity has increased by more than 500 percent," he said.
Surono explained, on October 20, 2010 or the day before the status of this mountain was raised to alert, there has been recorded 479 times multiphase earthquakes, volcanic earthquakes deep and shallow with a total of 39 events, and avalanches 29 times. "Other characteristics of the water content and gas Merapi has been greatly reduced. That is, the condition is already very hot. Our last Temperature record in the region Woro on October 20, reached 587 degrees Celsius," he said.
"We hope the eruption times is not very explosive, because if ekplosif would be too dangerous," he added.
Seeing the conditions on the ground that masyarakar around the slopes of Merapi was used to deal with possible disasters like this, it is not too worried. "The community is set up and in between they also have to undergo the exercises to deal with bad possibilities that happen," he said.
Text: Tri Wahono / CompassPhoto: Henry H. Prabowo / Compass
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