Search Engine Optimization: The 3 Prime Factors To get a Top Google Ranking

SEO stands for search engine optimization and covers any effort from your side in making your web site show up in Google when an individual type in a particular keyword phrase. The idea should be to be found then consecutively provide you with organic search engine visitors.

The bottom line of optimizing your web site would be that the higher your rank the more prospects you'll get. Thus, it is important knowing how to properly market your service using SEO.
However, it is important to optimize your web page in such a way to be certain that your site delivers what the user needs and what the search engines can interpret.
On Page SEO Factors
You must make sure your website is a search engine friendly as it can be. Put simply, when Google visits your web site it has to know right from the start what your site is all about.
So, it's a must to get your on page search engine configurations set up correctly. On page seo is simply a term used to describe anything we can do on a web site to influence rankings.
This may include things like having your keyword you would like to rank for as part of your title and description tag which will tell the Google what your site is all about.
Although on page SEO is important, it is nowhere near the biggest aspect. Rather, there are many things that have absolutely nothing to do what is on the site which determines who comes on first.
There are numerous things active in Googles mystical algorithms which you'll find off the page and for obvious reasons Google has been reluctant to disclose its ranking procedure and algorithm secrets.
In spite of Google being so secretive we still know that the 3 biggest off page factors that influence ranking are:
That sounds really quite simple, but you've probably notice that in there are millions of other pages competing for the same keywords that what you are hoping to rank for. In most cases their pages are optimized correctly.
So how does Google decide which websites ranks first, second, third etc?
Off Page Search Engine Optimization Issues
A website's domain age is something that you just cannot fake and that is why search engines place greater weight on domains which are older. The age of a domain is an indicator that a site has history and credibility. To put it differently, commonly when everything being equal, Google assumes that if a site is older it has to be better and much more relevant.
Generally, all other things being equal you will show up higher in the search engine rankings when you have a greater page rank than competitors.
Bear in mind that page rank is measured on each individual page and not the overall site.
However, the single most important factor is what other sites are linking to your web page and even more important are the relevancy of those sites linking to yours.
A back link is where another site links to you, but you aren't linking to them. Back links are vital and the more back links you've got the higher your search engine ranking is going to be.
Furthermore, the higher the page rank of a page that links to you, the more important that link is. Building up higher page rank back links to your site may also help in pushing up your page rank too.
In addition how a site links to your page is also important and this is what we call an anchor text link. Google relies on a link's anchor text to tell them what the linked page is about. Obviously, using keywords that you want to rank for within your anchor text is essential.
1. Domain Age
Although domain age is only one of many factors that contribute to search engine rankings it certainly plays a role in where a site will rank in the search engines.
A second factor is what is called page rank which goes on a scale from zero to 10. Page rank indicates how important Google think a web page is and it indicates how often Google would visit a site. So, when you are making a number of changes to your site Google will pick them up quickly if you have a higher page rank.
2. Page Rank
3. Back Links
But, not all back links are built the same and the more relevant a link is the more weight Google places on that links importance to the rankings.
So, the age and page rank of a website and the relevancy of a link determines the value of a link from an external website

To sidestepengine optimization pitfalls and find out how to improve your search engine ranking visit our website.


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